My Opinion on Cussing

Call Me Miira
4 min readMay 14, 2024


This is my opinion on profanity & cussing. I discuss the concept of utilizing our words to encourage & enliven humans.

As I’ve mentioned, I consider myself progressive. I support all things non-traditional, unconventional, unique, & different. I’m open-minded to each person expressing themself in whatever way is authentic to them. Or however they feel in the moment.

However, throughout my life I’ve gained an interest in learning about traditional beliefs & values — for the purpose of education & knowledge.

For people who are into the Bible, I’ve heard some people reference bible verses as reasoning for why people shouldn’t cuss.

Here is one of those bible verses (Matthew 15:11):

What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.

In my opinion, this Bible verse is not speaking about cussing per se, but is referencing how we should speak life over ourselves & others. As in, wishing & speaking well towards ourselves & others.

Note: I don’t know much about the Bible & I’m not a Bible thumper. I’ve just heard that people reference the Bible as reasoning for using clean language.

Also, I’m not saying we should “cuss like a sailor” (unless that’s how you are authentically, then, go for it.) Time & place for everything. I think soft language is good to use, in most cases, for the most part. But again, I fully support people expressing themselves in whatever way is authentic to them.


There is this Canadian author that I was a fan of. His name is Stefan Aarnio & he wrote a book called “Hard Times Create Strong Men.” He was a big advocate for helping men (especially ones who grew up without proper fatherly guidance) of how to be a good, masculine man. Stefan probably talks about traditional values & beliefs. I haven’t read his book yet, so I shouldn’t recommend it, but just based on what he preached, I would check it out if you are a man who is looking for masculine guidance. (I will read his book someday & let you know my thoughts on it.) Check out Stefan’s Instagram to learn more about what he preaches.

Now, I’m not saying that we need to go back to traditional values. Again, I’m totally supportive of everything progressive & modern. But I think there is still value in knowing about traditional beliefs.

Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is, this man was incredible due to his passion for wanting to help humanity have prosperity. And I don’t even think he was religious. But he passed away at a very young age.

I don’t wish to put fear into anyone. I want to reassure people that we are safe, but I just want people to consider this concept.

Clip of Stefan Aarnio

Stefan is a modern example of the concept I’m speaking about & my opinion on the meaning of these Bible verses.

In addition, I feel that we can apply this concept to music as well.

Now, I’m not saying that we have to have music that’s always happy. I encourage people to keep making music that is authentic to their self-expression. We need art & music for every emotion & occasion, including the not so happy times. But you can just keep this concept in mind.

Here is a tweet that sums up this concept:

“even as a joke, some things are not supposed to leave your mouth”

Here are a couple more Bible verses on this concept:

Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

Let there be no filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse joking, which are not fitting. Instead, give thanks. (Ephesians 5:4)

What is your opinion on profanity, cussing, & the meaning of these Bible verses? Give me a call at (646) 470–2712 so we can discuss!

P.S. I don’t think I really cuss that much myself, but I just wanted to post my opinion on cussing & the concept of uplifting humans with our words.

P.S.S. My supporters are f***ing amazing!



Call Me Miira

“It’s-a Mii, Miira!” This blog is comprised of my thoughts. Maybe you’ll relate, maybe you won’t. Written with passion. Find me @callmemiira