Communication / Self-Expression

Call Me Miira
3 min readJun 11, 2022

I like to write. I prefer it over other forms of communication.

Do you have a preferred method of communication?

People who like visual communication, or who like to be seen, might use Instagram or YouTube, or something.

People who like written communication, or who prefer to be more “behind the scenes,” might use publishing sites (like a blog) or Twitter, or something.

People who like verbal communication, or public speaking, might use platforms where they can talk— like the radio or podcast, or something.

Everyone is different. Everyone has different strengths & preferences.

People can push themselves outside their comfort zone when it’s not their strength or preference, & they can improve in that area — when it’s at their pace & they’re willing to do so. (As I’ve learned from one of JBP’s speeches, emphasis on the participant wanting to improve being willing, is safest & most effective.)

Over time, I’ve noticed that I prefer written communication over other forms of communication. I also like music & art as a form of self-expression.

I want to encourage people to follow their natural strengths. So, I’m going to try to write more because I want to share my voice more — even if it’s only through writing.

NOTE: I don’t consider myself a writer, but writing is my preferred form of communication out of the options — verbal, written, in-person, etc.

This is part of my codependency healing journey: I’m focusing on becoming the best version of myself — by investing in myself & discovering more about myself.

I can explain my codependency story later —where I’ve just been living life through other people’s (ie. parents, family, close friends, society, etc.) expectations so far.

I want to utilize this time to the best of my ability. My focus is on building something valuable, so if I’m not present as much online — that’s why. It’s not personal because I need to focus on what I’m doing.

In terms of connecting, I’m offering mental health & inner work counseling. I also will check-in with my “team” to see if any opportunities are available. I’m also working on acknowledging artists and others whose music I enjoy, or those who have supported my work over these past couple years.

As I’m focused on my healing journey, whenever I am feeling anxious, I’ve been saying to myself lately:

“I trust God & God trusts me.”

This is part of my healing journey of working through my fear of abandonment tendencies. I’m trying to remember that everything that happens in life — the people that we meet, the experiences that we have, etc. — though some of these experiences may not be seen as positive at the time —no matter what you go through in life, it is meant to be part of your journey. I trust God’s plan for my life. If I’m going to work on trusting others, I will start with trusting God.

I wanted to share a little bit more about my healing journey so that people understand where I’m coming from.

NOTE: I’m not sponsored by social platforms, & I encourage disconnecting from the digital world often to focus on self-care or self-improvement. (media can be a distraction)… also it’s healthy to spend time offline.



Call Me Miira

“It’s-a Mii, Miira!” This blog is comprised of my thoughts. Maybe you’ll relate, maybe you won’t. Written with passion. Find me @callmemiira