Pluto & The Sun (Relationship)

Call Me Miira
2 min readNov 23, 2021


See how far Pluto is from the Sun?

Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun.

Pluto is farthest from the Sun’s warmth. Planets far from the Sun will be colder in temperature. Due to the lack of warmth, you could associate Pluto with ice. It is said that life cannot exist on Pluto due to being too cold.

Pluto prefers the cold, dark night — not to be in the spotlight, not to be noticed, & not to be acknowledged publicly.

The Sun is the most important star in the universe.

The Sun’s role is extremely important. The Sun gives energy to plants, which provides food & oxygen for life on Earth. Without the sun, life on Earth would not exist.

The Sun loves to uplift everyone — to provide warmth, joy, & life. All the Sun asks for in return is love — appreciation & gratitude. Although it may seem like what the Sun does is effortless, the Sun works really hard. A simple “thank you” is not asking for much, yet people forget to thank the Sun all the time.

Similarly, I personally believe the Sun represents God / Jesus (Son of God).

The Sun/Son/One God loves to give you what you need. God just needs you to pray, trust / believe, have patience, work towards your goals; & in the meantime, appreciate God’s existence & the things God has brought to life — to show appreciation to God for everything that exists on Earth.

In terms of astrology, Leo is associated with the Sun & Scorpio is associated with Pluto. Leo is known for caring for people, popularity, & praise. Scorpio is known for valuing solitude.

Look at the similarities between the Sun & Leo, and the similarities between Pluto & Scorpio. Everything is connected.

We need to accept planets as they are. God created these planets that way for a reason — for a specific purpose. To work together in harmony.

Treat people in a similar fashion. No judgements.

Accept that some people you meet in life are going to think/talk/operate differently than you. Similar to the Sun & Pluto, some people might be the complete opposite of everything that is you.

Be who you are, & let other people be who they are.

NOTE: This is just my opinion. I don’t like to generalize but after thorough research & personal experience, I feel confident that certain commonalities exist. I will share these findings accordingly.

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Call Me Miira

“It’s-a Mii, Miira!” This blog is comprised of my thoughts. Maybe you’ll relate, maybe you won’t. Written with passion. Find me @callmemiira