Phoenix Tip #6: Don’t take anything personally

Call Me Miira
2 min readJul 24, 2023

This tip is very useful because we tend to take things personally too often.

For example, one time I was out in public after I had painted my nails in “a silly way” … once I realized I had gone out in public without proper nail etiquette, I turned away from (or wanted to hide from) the people I was interacting with, because I didn’t want them to notice my not-satisfactorily-polished nails.

Some of the people I was interacting with took this personally & felt bothered, because they assumed that I turned away from them because I felt not positive about/towards them.

But the real reason, was that I had my own things I was going through — it had nothing to do with any other person.

Another example: I had a stomachache & rushed to leave an event. The person who attended the event with me took this personally & felt bothered, because they assumed that I rushed to leave because I was upset with them. Again, the reason for my behavior was that I had my own things I was going through — it had nothing to do with any other person.

Some common reasons people might behave in a way you perceive as bothersome, can be:

  • not being relaxed because they have their own things that they’re going through
  • anxiety, depression, stress
  • something going on in their lives
  • something else that has nothing to do with you or others

So, don’t take anything personally.

If you can master this, it will bring you a lot of peace.

Here is an affirmation that might help:

“May I be free from taking anything personally.”

(I got this affirmation from Alison Lanza Falls’ blog — she did a stellar overview of this topic. (Blog not sponsored))

Also, I originally learned this tip from “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz, which I recommend! (Book not sponsored)



Call Me Miira

“It’s-a Mii, Miira!” This blog is comprised of my thoughts. Maybe you’ll relate, maybe you won’t. Written with passion. Find me @callmemiira