Leo Confidence

Call Me Miira
2 min readNov 6, 2021


Leo is associated with the Sun — which gives warmth & joy.

There is misinformation on all the zodiac signs, but especially the ones you hear the most negative things about. Keep in the mind that people who receive a lot of hate, may receive hate because they are highly talented and/or admirable.

Due to jealousy/envy/projections/(unresolved trauma); I noticed that people who have admirable qualities often receive uncalled-for hate/criticisms/wrongdoing from their peers.

Leo receives a lot of admiration & is often appreciated for their great qualities.

Let’s talk about what Leo brings into the world.

  1. Leo is associated with the ego. Recognize that you can’t do much without a strong sense of self. Self awareness & self confidence. Self love & self acceptance. Love your strengths & accept your weaknesses. Appreciate & celebrate yourself. If you’re constantly telling yourself “I suck at everything”… it will be hard for you (or anyone else) to believe you can accomplish something great. Leo self-confidence inspires others to be confident in themself.
  2. Leo is associated with creativity. As the famous quote goes: Creativity is intelligence having fun. Creativity is an expression of the intellect/soul & is unique to each person. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself creatively because it shows who you are. (Refer back to 1 — Sense of Self / Self Confidence) Leo inspires others to express their inner child.
  3. Leo is represented by the sun. The Sun exudes light that uplifts others. Think about how the Sun operates in the universe. Earth can’t survive without the Sun because the Sun gives life to the plants which creates oxygen for humans & provides food for all forms of life on Earth. The gravitational pull of the Sun also keeps all the other planets in orbit. Like the Sun — Leo is generous, brave, & inspiring.
  4. Leo is represented by the lion. Lions are regal, royal, & deserve respect. Along with being natural leaders, Leo is associated with righteousness. Like Lions — Leo is majestic, strong, & big-hearted.

Every person has something special to bring the world. For Leos, it’s their confidence, creativity, warmth, & goodness. Leo helps others realize that it’s okay to be confident in yourself & to love yourself unapologetically— To Shine like the Sun & To Roar like a Lion.

NOTE: This is just my opinion. I don’t like to generalize but after thorough research & personal experience, I feel confident that certain commonalities exist. I will share these findings accordingly.

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Call Me Miira

“It’s-a Mii, Miira!” This blog is comprised of my thoughts. Maybe you’ll relate, maybe you won’t. Written with passion. Find me @callmemiira